Welcome to Part 2 of our Metroidvania tutorial series, where we’ll be taking you on a journey through the development process of creating your own Metroidvania game, just like the widely popular Hollow Knight, in Unity!
Ever wanted to create a rogue-like shoot 'em up game like Vampire Survivors? In Part 9 of our guide, we will go through how to create a game manager to connect everything we have created thus far. We will also cover how to create some important UI elements for the game, including several add-on features. You can also find Part 8 of our guide here, where we went through how to create passive items, and a way to manage the player's inventory. This included a way for the player to control and keep track of their existing passive items and weapons. We also created functionality for our weapons and passive items to level up.
A link to a package containing the project files up to Part 9 of this tutorial series can also be found at the end of this article.
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Ever wanted to create a Metroidvania like Hollow Knight? In Part 1 of our guide, we will explore how to create movement, animations and a camera for our player character.
XAMPP is a great tool for web developers because it packages a couple of applications used for web hosting into one program, and it allows websites to be tested locally on a computer. Unfortunately, because it links multiple applications together, it is pretty error-prone.
One of the errors that might happen is that you might not be able to access XAMPP’s phpMyAdmin, which provides users with an interface to modify the local SQL database. In this article, we go through the various reasons why this might occur, as well as how you can fix them.
Unity is a popular game development engine that provides many tools to create interactive and engaging games. One of the most important aspects of any game is the user interface, which includes text elements that provide information and feedback to the player. Unity provides two options for creating text elements: the legacy Text component and the newer TextMeshPro.
Ever wanted to create a game like Subnautica in Unity? Check out Part 4 of our guide here, where we go through how to set up the storage system for the game.
A link to a package containing the project files of this tutorial series can also be found at the end of this article.
Are you working on a pixel-art 2D game in Unity and noticing gaps between your tiles? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! While Unity provides fantastic tools for creating visually stunning games, a common issue can crop up when trying to perfectly align your tiles. In this article, we’ll explain why this happens, and offer solutions to help you overcome this challenge. So let’s get started and make your game the envy of all 2D game developers!
If you’re working with Unity 2020, you might have run into an Resolve of invaild GC handle error. Don’t panic! This error is a common one that many Unity developers have faced, and there are several ways to resolve it. In this article, we will explore different ways to fix this error.
Here’s how the error typically looks like:
Resolve of invalid GC handle. The handle is from a previous domain. The resolve operation is skipped.
UnityEngine.GUILayout:Window (int,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,string,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
Ever wanted to create a rogue-like shoot 'em up game like Vampire Survivors? In Part 8 of our guide, we will go through how to create passive items, and a way to manage the player's inventory. This will include a way for the player to control and keep track of their existing passive items and weapons. We will also create functionality for our weapons and passive items to level up. You can also find Part 7 of our guide here, where we went through how to create an enemy spawning system, similar to the one seen in Vampire Survivors.
A link to a package containing the project files up to Part 8 of this tutorial series can also be found at the end of this article.
To view this content, you must be a member of Terresqualls Patreon at $5 or more
When using Unity to develop games, many people may choose to use Plastic SCM to collaborate with their team. However, with multiple people working on the same project, a merge conflict may sometimes occur.
Conflicting files may cause progress to be lost if handled incorrectly.