Support Us
Image by macrovector from FreePik

Supporting Us

Last updated: 6 September 2023

  1. Patron Benefits
  2. Our Patron Wall
  3. Future Initiatives
  4. Why Support Us?

1. Patron Benefits

If you like what we do, please consider supporting us on Patreon. There are currently 3 tiers of support you can choose from on Patreon. Generally speaking, you will get the following in return for your support:

  1. Recognition as a Patron. Your name will be listed on all of our videos, and all of our other works. You will also be eternally etched in the Patron wall below, and have a Patron label beside your name on the community forums.
  2. Exclusive account badges. If support us as a Patron during certain periods of our growth and development, you will get awarded badges on your forum account here.
  3. Access to our project files and articles. If you’ve been following our online tutorials, you may want access to our accompanying articles, or to the project files that we worked on for the tutorials. To see which parts of each series are locked behind a Patreon subscription, look at the information on the Series page of the series you are following.

Not all the tiers get all the benefits listed above. For more information on the specific benefits of each tier, please head to our Patreon page using the button below.

2. Our Patron Wall

A lot of what we do becomes worth it only because we have the support of people. Even if you are only here to get the project files, we are still extremely grateful.

a. Our Current Patrons

Many thanks to our Patrons below, who make it worthwhile for us to continue doing what we are doing.

Silver Tier

Rubén Berdejo Dylan Matthews Jeff chan Adam Haines Solo Grim Rubbish The Moldovan Leu 青枫 蓝 小 davidhoernchen Payton Elefson Bumblebeeja Andre Bock vesperdem Hirsty Gaming Saint Martin Nihkto Aaron Antoine Takuya Kimura Kaz Take Jake Finlayson Noah King MGRazza Harvey Chang joel Garcia Volcker TheDumbestGenius Correy Eifling-Patterson Jesse Pepels Nova Cian H Nayef Abahsain Zen RPGWelten Роберт Григорян Iqq-3003- Exo Nyxium Critter Bruce Dylan Sadnick Victor Casian D. A. MaoKao Talord nullala Nick Gariaeff Kristine Westman Lukas Kazda Toporas Daniel PatrickUnicorn Dino Perelli Tigertycoon Rick and Stacey Fleming Jack anonym Mark Martemianov ・ 本垢 Jims Sond RiO stephen gonzales Kristine Westman Usman Chaudhry

Last updated: February 11, 2025 1:16 pm

Bronze Tier

Iron Tier

1 Anthony COUTHURES Light_881 Joe TV Sabrina Bateman yizheng guo

Last updated: February 11, 2025 1:16 pm

b. Former Patrons

If you were a former Patron, we haven’t forgotten about you! We apologise if we have not been good enough to maintain your support. Feel free to let us know here if you have any feedback for what we are doing. You have also made it worthwhile for us to continue doing what we are doing!

N Dan Steuer Kinley Cartagenas Le Aaron Kelly AB95 Chris Harry Diffey Chris Germano Shawn Alexander Allen Solo Azume Nicholas Stephani 偉勝 廖 CraftedFTW bob ZoloQill YC Charlie Ray Leitl Pawat Asavapotiphan Jeremy Rivas Joy Arellano Дмитрий Якунин Evgen Soloviov Yonghao SHENG Kiyoshi Nakamura 神龍天際しんりゆうてんさい Micah Butler Atom doopydoop Panjera Marius Bizdiga Nail Türkoğlu Key Lisa Burini truesea The Near Sam Hyeong Саша Брусенко Bryan Keamu Hill Poisonoaks Studio Nikita Matheo Bayle Matthew Rall gamedev50 ym James Harris Silvian Bratosin Hans Ahemkara Forzparta Jordan Muir Tony 张 Wagner Xavier yau de en fxyx Ömer Faruk Balaban Edmund Lee Hong Chuan JungleGym Renjiro Lopez Jackson Lionheart Samkofab Thiago Luiz Allen Ryan Jeff Alves Flavio Vinicius Daniel Weiss Marek İnanç Güneş Jeremy Saltz EvaR YCHYC 失眠机器人 Soy Jakkington silencinho97k Inho Kim Kamison Neo weiling Jonathan Rhee RJ09 DeviD DallaS jb0x NoLove NoLife oracl358 Zlata Tsytrinova James Alex Schiau too soo CS4B Batsukh CS20D054 CY SMPNT Reiky Perkasa Alamsyiah StarryFolf CJ jrr Ruonan / Arslan Milko Trencevski B E Fogboi 2018 fued oner Diego Angulo Kenura Perera Alex Iacobut 新義 陳 Zero Alex Diaconu Jessie Brandon 卓 陈 coding.aritst james MazMaz Mateusz Janiak L Evgenije Keba Kraba g Dni Kub Kymberly Kit Perez Jacob Sanjay 润炯 郑 Fathurrachman Kadir Damien Nithard AIhon_z Bradley Brooker Listhm Keven Zheng Daniel Hiss Sebastian Cotrina Lee Soohyun Daniel Kline ab kh Da Internet Aria Kev1_n Ziyao FENG 渡 鱼 Enferno Alessandro Bosa Diệu Linh Lê deatharad Şirket GrimMemento Chris Jones Chris best seller erode Tomcart Adam R Vinícius Rubim Blas Luis Rocha González Journey ych 233 kamiko Matteo Tarrant Cassiel Freitas stephen gonzales Israel Flores lin xiao Dustin Broyles ikod Kerim Birlik Min Khant Kyaw FireTacos Thirapong Phutsiri Jake Long Lauren Buckley Jose Flores Dũng Lương MioW Avenesh Nair perozen Normsucks Joana Rodrigues Nahji Jalover Aurelio Porter Geron Chen Ozer Tristan Bracken VifonkaForTheWin Dom Calderon Angel Sandoval sad agent Dominik Merdzik Draken Manuel Kepplinger Harrison Khine GrossPenguin MrMiguel Jaylen Lie Halil Malatyalı Aizuan Zhao Ziru Hoang Phan Sandijs Ricardo Agustino The Grumpy Old Togs Vanessa yu-181 Henry Reigle Meister Alonne JRC_N Alex HT Michał Bilik Tido HearthDraft Andre Choupina Hooligans McGee CookiesZ מעיין David Ohm Smallu THC SAIKO220 Mickael Lecerf Koen All Ok Tj Ayton Darius Groza 承宏 賴 Bobby Dingo Aryasparkzz John Rodrigo Silvian Esteban Galvan んも や ProtoTavern Tom Rowland Rin Dsni56 12 Megwind Daniel Flamaropol Yanko Gamedev Wayne Ye 喆 通 cool wu qPerc Sangol Syril Nowak 파랑 풀피리 Commandafrosch Blaze Kunz Wolff Griffith Jessica Tee Divine LegendsRP Grzegorz Serwin Lê Đức Yung RainCloud Jhonn Solis 11-3 チンゾリグ Logique Karl Delapena Ariel Rie B1gD4ddy Saldana saldana Adolphus Amongus PCY07 Максим Прибилинский logggggggg Daniel Ross Cyanha Sander Wizez Senpai Zack Samuels Yu Huang Noccy Mirai Kitsu Max Chris Foster 135 Gustavo Eyer de Menezes DEZXAIN Syril Nowak Dmz Rubin 聚 周 暗天使 神樂 patty oec kaiten 26 Daniel Batalski gavin baltar arai Jamie Faddy Stefano NeonBall Game Louis nyansai Jimmy Fingus Skipper Hugh Mcfall 蜥蜴 落单 Daniel Rachel Eibling Silvio Fumei WRZ 1 Adam Haines Dre Dallas Thompson Peter Sun Nathan Green Vladimir Semerikov Jacek Łuczak Sean Pere Garces Eddy Germant Dermak Sophia Sun Jeff Monroe Dan BORASCU Kaan Ben Price Luke Litman Moritz 5151 Lucas_Oreki 춤고 정 Goklem Keith tableDrame Marvin Pollock trevor nichols Gtug Bhuj 大力 杨 Noah Day Miguel Cardenas Alexander Renda Vankley Yi Rebecca Owen 俊哲 侯 cheng tang Noragiri yunnn Herul Gamedev Cameron McWhannell Lysdora レラ Kayla Marie Thales Ferreira Crywer465 Renaud St-Hilaire Scanno Des Siu LazerFerret Olli Uikkanen xx xx Noah Ling Sebastian Fabien Guillaume luke ynhos Ao Craig Green sonamine Milky Rinoa eldarado 天波 马 Vĩ Triết Trịnh Xiong Xiao Laplace tai pham freez roguedev20 Damien Smith lPinchol MSOK Jacob Hartland Bobard Miles Invicrux Alejandro Piñero Yuxi Gao Terence Pek Frodese Daarol Q Amar AM7 Enzo Cabrera phong nguyen Dana Zerti Mike Harrington JB Hewitt anon050505 LaurenceLane NoelQ Oleksandr Puzanov Geek Forest adam adam swordofbling32 Christian Stovall Joshua Coss Napat Ardrith Danton Freitas Harrison Cato Furie Noobalott plinse GuanHc Bogdan Movila Chad Lloyd Bui Thi Thuy Dũng Lương demilade Ahmed Kamran Aiki Loli Nihkto howlthewizard Fan Insider Arthur Esteves Blaze mickael baron B E Bikramjit Sarcar Burhan Korkmaz Chakkit Ck CHRISTIAN GABRIEL GASOLASCO Daniele Scrima Gaming Style Edgars Kalniņš Ethan Fang Gabriel Proença sang lý Grant Totinov Burak HOŞGÖR CGL Jolah Milovski Jorge HS Just Hacked keylocke Lukas K. Goat0Man Miguel Cardenas Mike Harrington nekto ebat Lưỡng Hoàng 61.Nguyễn Văn Thành Zenax 101 NightShadowBlade Ben Fraser sakaibats Raju Putra Dermawan Sanket Pise Stalker İnanç Güneş Alexandr Putij Lightning Claw Gaming Ярослав Цибуля C Vagdalt Anonymes FRACTAL Nguyen Hai Viet (FGW DN) ThatOneGuy K X ზაური მეშვილდიშვილი

Last updated: February 11, 2025 1:16 pm

c. Unlisted Patrons

Are you an active Patron or a former Patron? Our lists above automatically update once a day, so if you don’t see your name above, do come back in a day and the list should update! If you wish to report any inconsistency or error to us, feel free to do so using our contact form.

3. Future Initiatives

7 September 2023 Update: We have some very exciting plans lined up!

What are we going to do with the money that we get from our Patrons? Some of it will go to buying the following things for ourselves:

  1. Coffee
  2. Sandwiches
  3. Video games (yes, we love them too)
Coffee and Sandwich
Illustration by from Freepik.

…but most of it will go to intiatives we have planned for the future. Our initiatives are different from typical Patron goals, because they are based on our all-time earnings, rather than our monthly earnings. The reason we are doing it this way is because the things we have planned for the future are all initiatives with a one-time cost.

Without further ado, here are the things that we have planned, and how far along we are at realising them:

Building a Community Forum

We are looking to build a community forum for ourselves. This forum will primarily serve as a place for questions and answers regarding errors they run into when following our tutorials. It will also serve as a place for general games development discussions. All Patrons (active or inactive) who have contributed any amount to our Patreon before this goal is complete will get the Community Pioneer badge (pictured left) when they sign up for an account on this forum in future.

Update 19 July 2023: The forums are now up!

out of S$1,000.00


0.0% complete


4. Why Support Us?

A lot of time and money goes into planning, creating and curating our content. Currently, the free content that we put out in the form of blog articles, web apps and YouTube videos, are being made possible because we take up full-stack web development work, or some form of game development work on the side.

Hence, if you see us slow down on producing the next video of the tutorial series you are following, it’s because we are currently busy with a project, or our day jobs in general. Currently, we are only making back about 20 cents back for every dollar we put in to content creation, so we still need to work jobs to make ends meet. If you would like to help us in this aspect (or if you just want the next video in the video game tutorial series you are following to release quicker), you can become a Patron.

Giving Love
Illustration by pch.vector from Freepik.