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Fixing lighting artifacts in Unity using Deferred Rendering

Fixing lighting artifacts in Unity with Deferred Rendering

Lighting in Unity can either be simple or tedious, and it can be hard to get the right look that you’re going for. So, after building a beautiful scene and messing around with lighting settings and various values in render settings for a while, you finally take a look at your hard work to see if it looks good. Sometimes, it does! Other times, it might look like this…

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Creating an Underwater Survival Game like Subnautica Part 11 — Gear

This article is a part of the series:
Creating an Underwater Survival Game (like Subnautica) in Unity

Ever wanted to create a game like Subnautica? Check out Part 11 of our Underwater Survival Tutorial Series! In this part, we’ll be setting up new Gear Items that the Players can use, like flippers and oxygen tanks.

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Creating an Underwater Survival Game (like Subnautica) Part 10 — Underwater Effect and Animations

This article is a part of the series:
Creating an Underwater Survival Game (like Subnautica) in Unity

Ever wanted to create a game like Subnautica in Unity? Check out Part 10 of our Underwater Survival Tutorial Series here, where we set up Underwater Effects as well as adding animations to our Player!

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Creating an Underwater Survival Game like Subnautica Part 9 – Tools III

This article is a part of the series:
Creating an Underwater Survival Game (like Subnautica) in Unity

Video authored, edited and subtitled by Sarah Kagda.

Ever wanted to create a game like Subnautica in Unity? Check out Part 9 of our guide here, where we set up more tools for the game.

A link to a package containing the project files of this tutorial series can also be found at the end of this article, exclusive to Patreon subscribers only.

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Converting between Unity's Render Pipelines

How to convert your assets between the different render pipelines (built-in, URP and HDRP) in Unity

Unity offers you the opportunity to use three different pre-built pipelines suited for different purposes:

  1. The Built-In Render Pipeline, which all assets use initially, is a general-use pipeline that has limited customisation.
  2. Universal Render Pipeline (or URP) is a quick and easy-to-customise pipeline that allows you to create optimised graphics suitable for lower-end devices like mobile phones.
  3. Conversely, the High Definition Render Pipeline (or HDRP) is a pipeline is meant for creating cutting-edge high-quality graphics for higher-end devices.

Because of all these different pipelines, when you’re buying assets from the Unity Asset Store, these files may not always be in the right format for the render pipeline your project is using.

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