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Creating a Farming RPG (like Harvest Moon) in Unity — Part 21: Animal Relationships

This article is a part of the series:
Creating a Farming RPG (like Harvest Moon) in Unity

Ever wanted to create a game like Harvest Moon in Unity? Check out Part 21 of our guide here, where we set up the Animal Relationship system. You can also find Part 20 of our guide here, where we went through how to make chickens wander in the coop.

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How to rewrite author permalinks in WordPress

How to rewrite the author permalink URL structure in WordPress

Recently, one of our clients building their website on WordPress with us had a requirement — they wanted to have a URL base structure for their author pages that was different from the WordPress default. Instead of the default /author/[username] structure, they wanted to use /authors/[username] instead. Although there are plugins for this, we decided to implement it into the theme we were developing for the client to make the functionality as lightweight as possible.

Turns out, the implementation was pretty simple, as WordPress has built-in hooks for this. To update the author page URLs, we need to do 2 things:

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Setting up a virtual Postfix mail server — Part 4: Setting up a Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS)

Setting up a virtual Postfix mail server — Part 4: Setting up a Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS)

In the previous part of this tutorial series, we set up DKIM, DMARC and rDNS on mail server to make emails from our mail server more deliverable, as these protocols make it less likely that other mailboxes will flag our emails as spam.

With that set up, we can now turn our attention to something else. Currently, any incoming mail to one of your domain emails will fail the SPF check for the domain.

Gmail SPF Softfail
To see this, you will have to view the email's message source. You can do that with most mail clients; here's how to do it for Gmail.
  1. Why SPF fails for incoming emails
  2. Installing and configuring PostSRSd
    1. Installing PostSRSd
    2. Configuring PostSRSd
  3. Configuring Postfix
  4. Starting PostSRSd
  5. Conclusion
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Setting up a virtual Postfix mail server — Part 3

Setting up a virtual Postfix mail server — Part 3: Implementing DKIM, DMARC and rDNS

In the previous part of this tutorial series, we set up a mail server that could accept connections from mail clients like Gmail. This allowed us to send out domain emails using a mail client, instead of having to implement a mailbox on our server.

With our mail server’s basic functionality properly set up, we can now turn our attention to another problem — email deliverability. Spam email is a really big problem online, so many email providers have some kind of system in place to assess whether an incoming email is spam and either flag it, or reject it. Hence, after setting up our mail server, one thing we need to do is to ensure that our mail server conforms to certain email security standards, policies and protocols. This goes a long way to help us communicate to other mail servers that we are trustworthy, so that our emails will be deliverable.

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Setting up a virtual Postfix mail server — Part 2

Setting up a virtual Postfix mail server — Part 2: Sending emails with SASL

In the first part of this series, we set up a basic virtual mail server with Postfix that received emails for our domain and forwarded it to a mailbox of our choice. To round off the basic set of features for our mail server, we will be setting up Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) to work with Postfix, so that we can access our mail server with a mailbox client (like Gmail) and send out emails from our domain.

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