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Creating a Rogue-like (like Vampire Survivors) in Unity — Part 24: Next-Level Character Select Screen

It's been a while since we've done anything new on our Character Select Screen and currently, you'll notice that it is extremely plain: A set of buttons describing the name and weapon of the character without any visuals or extra info. Hence in Part 24, we'll be adding proper character icons, a description box, and a stats section so players know the exact stats of the character they'll be selecting.

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GitHub Desktop for Unity - Part 3

GitHub Desktop for Unity — Part 3: How to resolve merge conflicts

This article is a part of the series:
Using GitHub Desktop for Unity collaboration

In the second part of this series, we explore a very common problem that teams usually run into when collaborating on GitHub Desktop—merge conflicts. These can cause significant delay to your work, as you are forced to handle them when they occur before progressing; and it can take a fair bit of time and skill to solve them.

Resolving them incorrectly can also cause work progress to be lost.

Hence, in this article, we’ll be covering what they are, how you can avoid them, and how you can resolve them.

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Creating a Rogue-like (like Vampire Survivors) - Part 1

Creating a Rogue-like Shoot ‘Em Up (like Vampire Survivors) — Part 1: Movement and Camera

This article is a part of the series:
Creating a Rogue-like Shoot 'Em Up (like Vampire Survivors) in Unity

Ever wanted to create a rogue-like shoot ’em up game like Vampire Survivors? In Part 1 of our guide, we will go through how to create movement, animations and a camera for our player character.

A link to a package containing the project files up to Part 1 of this tutorial series can also be found at the end of this article.

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Importing CSV files into a MySQL table

Importing a CSV file into an SQL table

CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values, and CSV files are text files that look something like this:


johndoe,john@example.com,"71 Pickering Street, Singapore, Singapore",+65-91234567
janedoe,jane@website.com,"24 Raffles Lane, Singapore, Singapore",+65-81234567
marysmith,mary@smith.com,"83 Riveting Road, Singapore, Singapore",+65-97654321
bobsmith,bob@smith.com,"84 Riveting Road, Singapore, Singapore",+65-87654321

Essentially, the CSV file format is meant to represent tabular data. The above CSV file represents the following table:

johndoejohn@example.com71 Pickering Street, Singapore, Singapore+65-91234567
janedoejane@website.com24 Raffles Lane, Singapore, Singapore+65-81234567
marysmith mary@smith.com 83 Riveting Road, Singapore, Singapore +65-97654321
bobsmith bob@smith.com 84 Riveting Road, Singapore, Singapore +65-87654321

Due to their tabular nature, data in a CSV file can very easily be imported into and stored in an SQL table. The commands to do that, however, are not very well-documented online.

If a CSV file does not open as a text file on your computer, that’s because your computer is opening the file with a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. In such a case, to see the file as text, you will want to open these files on a text editing software such as Notepad.

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