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Player moves outside tilemap chunk when playing

Home Forums Video Game Tutorial Series Creating a Rogue-like Shoot-em Up in Unity Player moves outside tilemap chunk when playing

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  • #11821

    Why is this happening and is it a easy fix?


    Hi yuun, I’m not the series creator, but he has addressed this in the Part 11 video. Can you have a look and see if it solves your problem? I’ve tagged the time in the video where he explains the bugfixes / improvements.


    I watched through it and didn’t find anything on my problem


    I’m only on part 3 so idk


    Oh I figured it out. I just set the player body type to kinematic so it isn’t pushed around by stuff and that fixed it. Still confused on how my problem initially happened


    Glad you figured it out. Sorry I wasn’t able to pinpoint the issue for you.

    If it helps, kinematic objects are objects that are able to collide and change the trajectories (i.e. velocities0 of other Rigidbodies, but are not able to have their velocities affected by other objects themselves. They are used in instances where you need moving objects to affect the physics of other free-moving Rigidbodies, but you also don’t want these moving objects to be affected by physics themselves, such as:

    • Moving platforms in platformers: If these moving platforms move off course, it may break your level!
    • Player or AI-controlled characters: You will need them to have Rigidbodies if you want them to be able to collide with and knock other physics objects around, but you don’t want them to be affected by physics themselves, since your own scripts will be controlling their movement.
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