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[Part 9] My pause effect have some bugs

Home Forums Video Game Tutorial Series Creating a Metroidvania in Unity [Part 9] My pause effect have some bugs

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  • #13958
    Elvin Sim

    Even I add the destroy in mainmenu scripts, it will also cause stop for the thing that I touch and immediately pause

    Joseph Tang

    The Destroy in MainMenu scripts is unnecessary as it only deals with destroying DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); and not other gameobjects like collectibles.

    If you want the ability display or shard display to finish even while pausing,
    Change the WaitForSeconds() to WaitForSecondsRealtime() in the respective scripts. This will allow the pickup display to continue as per normal without being affected by the timescale.

    If you want the Pause menu to overlay pickup display,
    Go to the Canvas Prefab > Canvas Property in the inspector, and set the Sorting order to [1] or higher.

    Elvin Sim

    okok thks, and now I have another problem is that when I pause the game, it will come out the argument null error

    Joseph Tang

    Can you check if your UIAudio.cs has a sound clip attached in the Canvas Prefab?

    Joseph Tang

    Ah, Can you try adding an Audio Source property to your Canvas Prefab? I believe that’s the reason for the error.

    Elvin Sim

    Thank you, It works now!!!

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