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[Part 7] Maps Combination

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  • #14820
    Elvin Sim

    I would like to ask that if I have many maps and when I combined them together, it will become a very large maps, How do I fit them in canvas and can zoom in and out like in Hollow Knight?

    Joseph Tang

    It’s not refined, but one simple idea is that you can, in theory, GetInput from 2 keys to scale your map parent. Keeping the scale to within the range of [0.1] – [1].

    Then another GetInputs for WASD to move the Rect Transform within a certain value limit depending on the scale.

    This will be a mechanic you’ll have to look into and refine, but if you want to focus on 1 map alone like in Hollow Knight, you’ll have to write a new script for it to be zoomed into while fading other maps.

    Elvin Sim

    okok thks

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