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[Part 5] Jump and Walk Animation Stopped Working

Home Forums Video Game Tutorial Series Creating a Metroidvania in Unity [Part 5] Jump and Walk Animation Stopped Working

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  • #13092
    Silver Supporter (Patron)

    Not sure what happened, but when I went to test if my character could jump on certain platforms, or if I have to move them, my character refuses to jump. I am using tilemaps and have a tilemap collider. (I’m using So, I am not sure if that is the cause. Everything was working just fine before I started to make the edits in Part 5, and creating my scene.

    EDIT: So, if you’re reading this, and having the same issue, make sure you remember to set your ground and platforms to the “Ground” Layer in the inspector. I don’t want to tell you how long it took me to figure that out.


    Thanks for sharing your solution Kristine. Really appreciate it.

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