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[part 5] issues with the Universal RP package

Home Forums Video Game Tutorial Series Creating a Metroidvania in Unity [part 5] issues with the Universal RP package

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  • #12454
    Niyam Shah

    not sure if this is normal but after downloading the universal rp package i got an error – my game will still work as normal but not sure if someting will be affected later?


    Hi Niyam, possible to show the entire error message? So that I can see which package it is.

    You should be able to fix this by going to the Package Manager, and then finding the package responsible for it and downgrading or upgrading it.

    Niyam Shah

    heres the whole message

    also how would i update the URP package as it doesnt have an update availbale – i cant find a downgrade feature either

    Niyam Shah

    i cant see anything in the error message that relates to a specific package that needs changing

    Miguel Cardenas
    Former Patron

    Hello! That’s an error I’ve never seen or encountered before but I’ll try my best to help.

    For trying to upgrade or downgrading the URP package, find URP under the Unity Registry and click on the triangle button next to it open the drop down menu. You should be able to see the different versions if you click on “See All Versions” then from there you can try a different version of URP

    As for the errors themselves, I tried looking it up and the problem may be related to the Burst package, which may be a dependency for URP. Could you help me check what versions of Unity, URP and Blitz you’re using?

    Here’s the link to where I read about this issue if you’d like to take a look at it yourself:

    Niyam Shah

    Im using URP version 12.1.12 (no visible upgrades there)

    Burst version – 18.4 (tried installnig the other version 16.6 but it got overriden and didnt change the error)

    Unity engine 2021.3.31f1

    Miguel Cardenas
    Former Patron

    Hmm, According to that thread I linked, I believe thats the correct version of Burst to use as a dependency for URP.

    Could you try installing URP in an earlier version of Unity like 2020, and see if you encounter the same error? Maybe the issue has something to do with that specific version, as my project using URP in Unity 2019 (i don’t remember the exact version) doesn’t face this issue.

    Niyam Shah

    Rlly strange

    For some reason I opened it up today and the error r gone

    Just happened

    No idea why but thanks for ur help

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