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[Part 4] Knife wont detect when colliding with bat

Home Forums Video Game Tutorial Series Creating a Rogue-like Shoot-em Up in Unity [Part 4] Knife wont detect when colliding with bat

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  • #13358
    Oliver Murchie

    I feel as if I have followed the code on the video and yet I cant seem to get it to work, I tried using a Debug.Log to see if it was colliding and it didn’t show up


    Hi Oliver, check if you have a Rigidbody2D on either the bat or the knife prefab. Collisions need a Rigidbody on at least one of the objects to register.

    If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to paste your code here for the Knife.

    Oliver Murchie

    This is the KnifeController

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class KnifeController : WeaponController
        protected override void Start()
        protected override void Attack()
            GameObject spawnedKnife = Instantiate(weaponData.Prefab);
            spawnedKnife.transform.position = transform.position;

    This is the KnifeBehaviour

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class KnifeBehaviour : ProjectileWeaponBehaviour
        protected override void Start()
        void Update()
            transform.position += direction * weaponData.Speed * Time.deltaTime;

    This is the ProjectileWeaponBehaviour

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class ProjectileWeaponBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
        public WeaponScriptableObject weaponData;
        protected Vector3 direction;
        public float destoryAfterSeconds;
        //Current Weapon Stats
        protected float currentDamage;
        protected float currentSpeed;
        protected float currentCooldownDuration;
        protected int currentPierce;
        void Awake()
            currentDamage = weaponData.Damage;
            currentSpeed = weaponData.Speed;
            currentCooldownDuration = weaponData.CooldownDuration;
            currentPierce = weaponData.Pierce;
        protected virtual void Start()
            Destroy(gameObject, destoryAfterSeconds);
        public void DirectionChecker(Vector3 dir)
            direction = dir;
            float dirx = direction.x;
            float diry = direction.y;
            Vector3 scale = transform.localScale;
            Vector3 rotation = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
            if (dirx < 0 && diry == 0)
                scale.x = scale.x * -1;
                scale.y = scale.y * -1;
            else if (dirx == 0 && diry < 0)
                scale.y = scale.y * -1;
            else if (dirx == 0 && diry > 0)
                scale.x = scale.x * -1;
            else if (dir.x > 0 && dir.y > 0)
                rotation.z = 0f;
            else if (dir.x > 0 && dir.y < 0)
                rotation.z = -90f;
            else if (dir.x < 0 && dir.y > 0)
                scale.x = scale.x * -1f;
                scale.y = scale.y * -1f;
                rotation.z = -90f;
            else if (dir.x < 0 && dir.y < 0)
                scale.x = scale.x * -1f;
                scale.y = scale.y * -1f;
                rotation.z = 0f;
            transform.localScale = scale;
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation);
        protected virtual void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
            if (col.CompareTag("Enemy"))
                EnemyStats enemy = col.GetComponent<EnemyStats>();

    I checked and the knife has a rigidbody attached so I am unaware of where I have gone wrong


    Did you forget to tag the Bat as an “Enemy”?

    Oliver Murchie

    No I made sure to double check that as well


    Try pausing the game with a knife / bat out and check if the spawned knife has a rigidbody / bat has the correct tag.

    Also check that you’re using a Rigidbody2D, not a regular Rigidbody.

    Oliver Murchie

    I have two pictures showing that when paused the bat is tagged as enemy and the knife has a rigidbody attached

    Oliver Murchie

    Photos are here

    View post on


    Oliver, your Knife’s Rigidbody has its Simulated property unchecked. Can you check it and make sure its saved to the prefab, then try again?

    Oliver Murchie

    It worked, thank you so much. I feel quite silly that I didnt think about that


    Glad I managed to help you fix your issue Oliver.

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