::Hi everyone, if you run into this issue where the enemies appear to not be spawning, they are likely on the same z-coordinate as your camera, and so cannot be seen.
If this is the case, please update the GeneratePosition()
function on your SpawnManager
to specify the z-coordinate:
// Creates a new location where we can place the enemy at.
public static Vector3 GeneratePosition()
// If there is no reference camera, then get one.
if (!instance.referenceCamera) instance.referenceCamera = Camera.main;
// Give a warning if the camera is not orthographic.
if (!instance.referenceCamera.orthographic)
Debug.LogWarning("The reference camera is not orthographic! This will cause enemy spawns to sometimes appear within camera boundaries!");
// Generate a position outside of camera boundaries using 2 random numbers.
float x = Random.Range(0f, 1f), y = Random.Range(0f, 1f);
// Then, randomly choose whether we want to round the x or the y value.
switch (Random.Range(0, 2))
case 0:
return instance.referenceCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Mathf.Round(x), y, 10));
case 1:
return instance.referenceCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(x, Mathf.Round(y), 10));
If the value of 10 doesn’t work, you’ll have to play around with and try other values.