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[Part 2] Map Generation

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  • #12244
    sad agent
    Former Patron

    Hello, im on part 2 25:20 and i did everything at map controller script improvement, but there is no more map loading anymore now. I have just the first one to appear, then no others are spawning as im moving.

    ChunkTrigger script:

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class ChunkTrigger : MonoBehaviour
        MapController mc;
        public GameObject targetMap;
        void Start()
            mc = FindObjectOfType<MapController>();
        private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D col)
                    mc.currentChunk = targetMap;
        private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D col)
                    if(mc.currentChunk == targetMap)
                        mc.currentChunk = null;

    Map Controller script:

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class MapController : MonoBehaviour
        public List<GameObject> terrainChunks;
        public GameObject player;
        public float checkerRadius;
        Vector3 noTerrainPosition;
        public LayerMask terrainMask;
        public GameObject currentChunk;
        PlayerMovement pm;
        void Start()
            pm = FindObjectOfType<PlayerMovement>();
        void Update()
        void ChunkChecker()
            if(pm.moveDir.x > 0 && pm.moveDir.y == 0) //vpravo
                    if(!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentChunk.transform.Find("Right").position, checkerRadius, terrainMask))
                            noTerrainPosition = currentChunk.transform.Find("Right").position;
            else if(pm.moveDir.x < 0 && pm.moveDir.y == 0) //vlavo
                    if(!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentChunk.transform.Find("Left").position, checkerRadius, terrainMask))
                            noTerrainPosition = currentChunk.transform.Find("Left").position;
            else if(pm.moveDir.x == 0 && pm.moveDir.y > 0) //hore
                    if(!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentChunk.transform.Find("Up").position, checkerRadius, terrainMask))
                            noTerrainPosition = currentChunk.transform.Find("Up").position;
            else if(pm.moveDir.x == 0 && pm.moveDir.y < 0) //dole
                    if(!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentChunk.transform.Find("Down").position, checkerRadius, terrainMask))
                            noTerrainPosition = currentChunk.transform.Find("Down").position;
            else if(pm.moveDir.x > 0 && pm.moveDir.y > 0) //vpravo hore
                    if(!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentChunk.transform.Find("Right Up").position, checkerRadius, terrainMask))
                            noTerrainPosition = currentChunk.transform.Find("Right Up").position;
            else if(pm.moveDir.x > 0 && pm.moveDir.y < 0) //vpravo dole
                    if(!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentChunk.transform.Find("Right Down").position, checkerRadius, terrainMask))
                            noTerrainPosition = currentChunk.transform.Find("Right Down").position;
            else if(pm.moveDir.x < 0 && pm.moveDir.y > 0) //vlavo hore
                    if(!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentChunk.transform.Find("Left Up").position, checkerRadius, terrainMask))
                            noTerrainPosition = currentChunk.transform.Find("Left Up").position;
            else if(pm.moveDir.x < 0 && pm.moveDir.y < 0) //vlavo dole
                    if(!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentChunk.transform.Find("Left Down").position, checkerRadius, terrainMask))
                            noTerrainPosition = currentChunk.transform.Find("Left Down").position;
        void SpawnChunk()
            int rand = Random.Range(0, terrainChunks.Count);
            Instantiate(terrainChunks[rand], noTerrainPosition, Quaternion.identity);
    sad agent
    Former Patron

    Hi sad agent, did you miss out assigning any properties on the MapController? You will need to assign the appropriate Terrain Mask, and make sure that the Checker Radius is larger than 0.

    sad agent
    Former Patron

    I think they are filled up correcty, and other ideas?

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    Try putting a Debug.Log() statement on each of the collision checks on MapController. Here’s an example:

    if(pm.moveDir.x > 0 && pm.moveDir.y == 0) //vpravo
        if(!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentChunk.transform.Find("Right").position, checkerRadius, terrainMask))
            Debug.Log("MapController right collision");
            noTerrainPosition = currentChunk.transform.Find("Right").position;

    See if the messages print.

    sad agent
    Former Patron

    Where should this message print? Nothing happened when I added this.

    sad agent
    Former Patron

    If you mean this console, then there is nothing here

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    If nothing happens, it means that either of the 2 lines below are the issue:

    if(pm.moveDir.x > 0 && pm.moveDir.y == 0) //vpravo
        if(!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentChunk.transform.Find("Right").position, checkerRadius, terrainMask))
            Debug.Log("MapController right collision");
            noTerrainPosition = currentChunk.transform.Find("Right").position;

    I suspect it is the 2nd highlighted line. Check if your chunk Prefabs have children GameObjects named “Right”, “Left”, “Up”, “Down” etc. The generator finds these objects and uses them to determine when a new chunk should generate.

    sad agent
    Former Patron

    it stopped working when i changed cords for currentChunk.transform.Find("Right").position in if(!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentChunk.transform.Find("Right").position, checkerRadius, terrainMask))


    What do you mean? Where did you change the coords? In the inspector?

    sad agent
    Former Patron

    No you were supposed to put actual cords in the code before instead of currentChunk.transform.Find("Right").position etc

    sad agent
    Former Patron

    its like new vector3(20, 20, 0) etc

    Silver Supporter (Patron)

    I had the same issue, but I figured out what my problem was.

    Check that your static coordinates (“Up”, “Right”, etc) are placed properly. In my case, my chunks are 84×84, and so I had them placed right at the edges (so “Right” was at (42, 0) and “Left” was at (-42, 0)) but I had to put them at the total length (“Right” = (84, 0), “Left” = (-84, 0)).

    I hope this makes sense and is helpful!

    sad agent
    Former Patron

    I am pretty sure I got it correctly, all the gunks are 20×20 pixels, imporing photo of “Right” static point.


    If I’m not wrong, your “Right” has to be right at the edge of your chunk. It’s too far away.

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