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Part 19 – Level Up Screen not showing
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- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago by
September 14, 2024 at 5:36 pm #15828::
When I levelup my player, I don’t have my levelup screen apear. Here is my codes :
Player Datas :
<code> using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System; using UnityEngine.UI; using TMPro; namespace PLAYER{ public class Player_Datas : MonoBehaviour { // V2 //OBJECTIF : // All the value used for the Player [Header("STATS")] Character_Data data; //Get the data for the player [Tooltip("Save the base stat of the player so we can return it if needed")] public Character_Data.Stats baseStats; //Assign the player's data as the base stat [Tooltip("The actual stat is the current stat running and modifying during the game")] [SerializeField] Character_Data.Stats actualStats; public Character_Data.Stats Stats { get {return actualStats; } set { actualStats = value; } } //Note : HP is hidding on the inspector float hp; public float currentHp{ get {return hp;} //Apply the modification on the UI pannel set{ if(hp != value){ hp = value; UpdateHP(); } } } [SerializeField] Collect_Item collector; public bool isMagnetize; public float magnetRadius; //Invicible-Frames [Header("Invicibles Frames")] public float invincibleDuration = 0.5f; public float invincibleTime; public bool isInvincible; [Header("UI")] public Image hpBar; public Image expBar; public TMP_Text levelText; [Space(5)] [Header("Damage Effect")] public ParticleSystem damageEffect; [Header("Armor Effect")] public ParticleSystem armorEffect; //If the player completly block an attack [Space(5)] [Header("INVENTORY SYSTEM")] Player_Inventory inventory; public int weapon_Index; public int passiveItem_Index; [Space(5)] //LEVEL / EXPERIENCES [Header("LEVELUP SYSTEM")] public int exp = 0; public int level = 1; public int expCap; [System.Serializable] public class LevelRange{ public int startLevel; public int endLevel; public int expIncrease; } [Header("LevelUP Stats")] public List<LevelRange> lvlRanges; void Awake() { data = Character_Type_Selection.GetData(); if(Character_Type_Selection.instance) Character_Type_Selection.instance.DestroySingleton(); inventory = GetComponentInChildren<Player_Inventory>(); collector = GetComponentInChildren<Collect_Item>(); baseStats = actualStats = data.stats; collector.SetRadius(actualStats.magnetForce); hp = actualStats.maxHP; } void Start(){ //Spawn the starting weapon inventory.Add(data.startWeapon); //set the cap for the next level as the default expIncrease amount expCap = lvlRanges[0].expIncrease; GameManager.instance.AssignCharacterUI(data); UpdateHP(); UpdateExp(); UpdateLvl(); } void Update(){ //Set an Invicible frames to prevent continous dammage if(invincibleTime > 0) invincibleTime -= Time.deltaTime; else if(isInvincible) isInvincible = false; //Recovery Recover(); } public void RecalulateStats(){ actualStats = baseStats; foreach(Player_Inventory.Slot s in inventory.passive_Slots){ Passive p = s.item as Passive; if(p) actualStats += p.GetBoosts(); } collector.SetRadius(actualStats.magnetForce); } public void Increase_EXP(int amount){ exp += amount; LevelUp(); UpdateExp(); } void LevelUp(){ //Check if we level up if(exp >= expCap){ level++; //ad 1 lvl exp -= expCap; //restart the exp to 0 int expIncrease = 0; foreach(LevelRange range in lvlRanges ){ if(level >= range.startLevel && level <= range.endLevel){ expIncrease = range.expIncrease; break; } } expCap += expIncrease; UpdateLvl(); GameManager.instance.StartLevelUp(); //Verify if the next expCap is exceed after each levelup if(exp >= expCap) LevelUp(); } } void UpdateExp(){ //Update the ui of the exp bar expBar.fillAmount = (float)exp / expCap; } void UpdateLvl(){ levelText.text = "LVL" + level.ToString(); } public void TakeDamage(float damage){ if(!isInvincible){ //Take armor stat in acount before taking the damage //Deacrease the damage amount by the armor protection value damage -= actualStats.armor; if(damage > 0){ //Deacrease the hp by the damage amount currentHp -= damage; //Play the damage effect if we have it if(damageEffect) Destroy(Instantiate(damageEffect, transform.position, Quaternion.identity), 5f); //Kill the Player if the hp is 0 if(currentHp <= 0) Kill(); } //The damage is 0 = the armor completly block the damage else //Play the damage effect if we have it if(armorEffect) Destroy(Instantiate(armorEffect, transform.position, Quaternion.identity), 5f); invincibleTime = invincibleDuration; isInvincible = true; } } void UpdateHP(){ hpBar.fillAmount = currentHp / actualStats.maxHP; } public void RecoverHP(float amount){ //Only heal the player if we have less than the max hp if(currentHp < actualStats.maxHP){ currentHp += amount; //Limit the maximum hp if(currentHp > actualStats.maxHP) currentHp = actualStats.maxHP; UpdateHP(); } } public void Kill(){ if(!GameManager.instance.isGameOver){ GameManager.instance.AssignLevelUP(level); GameManager.instance.GameOver(); Debug.Log("Player dead"); } } void Recover(){ //Gradualy recover hp over time if(currentHp < actualStats.maxHP){ //Increase each seconds currentHp += Stats.recovery * Time.deltaTime; //Limit the maximum amount by the max hp we can have if(currentHp > actualStats.maxHP) currentHp = actualStats.maxHP; UpdateHP(); } } public void Restore_HP(int amount){ //if we have less than the max hp, we can restore hp if(currentHp < actualStats.maxHP){ currentHp += amount; //Limit the maximum amount by the max hp we can have if(currentHp > actualStats.maxHP) currentHp = actualStats.maxHP; } } } } </code>
Player Inventory :
<code> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using TMPro; namespace PLAYER{ public class Player_Inventory : MonoBehaviour { [System.Serializable] //Manage the Slot public class Slot{ public Item item; public Image image; //Assign a new item on the slot (Weapon or Passive Item) public void Assign(Item assignItem){ item = assignItem; //Weapon Item if(item is Weapon){ Weapon w = item as Weapon; image.enabled = true; image.sprite =; } //Passive item else{ Passive w = item as Passive; image.enabled = true; image.sprite =; } Debug.Log($"Assigned : {} to the player"); } //Clear a slot where an item is assigned public void Clear(){ item = null; image.enabled = false; image.sprite = null; } //Verify if the slot is empty public bool isEmpty() {return item == null;} } public List<Slot> weapon_Slots = new List<Slot>(6); public List<Slot> passive_Slots = new List<Slot>(6); [Header("UI Elements")] //List of all the upgrades options for : weapons, passive items and ui public List<Weapon_Data> available_Weapons = new List<Weapon_Data>(); public List<Passive_Data> available_Passives = new List<Passive_Data>(); public UI_UpgradeWindow upgradeWindow; Player_Datas player; void Awake(){ player = GetComponent<Player_Datas>(); } //Verify if the item has an item of a certain type public bool Has(Item_Data type) { return Get(type); } //ITEM TYPE public Item Get(Item_Data type){ //Weapon type if(type is Weapon_Data) return Get(type as Weapon_Data); //Passive type if(type is Passive_Data) return Get(type as Passive_Data); //No type return null; } //FIND PASSIVE TYPE public Passive Get(Passive_Data type){ foreach(Slot s in passive_Slots){ Passive p = s.item as Passive; if( && == type) return p; } return null; } //FIND WEAPON TYPR public Weapon Get(Weapon_Data type){ foreach(Slot s in weapon_Slots){ Weapon w = s.item as Weapon; if( && == type) return w; } return null; } //Remove a Weapon of particular type public bool Remove(Weapon_Data data, bool canRemoveUpgrade = false){ //Remove this weapon from the upgrading pool if(canRemoveUpgrade) available_Weapons.Remove(data); for(int i = 0; i < weapon_Slots.Count; i++){ Weapon w = weapon_Slots[i].item as Weapon; if( == data){ weapon_Slots[i].Clear(); w.UnEquip(); Destroy(w.gameObject); return true; } } return false; } //Remove a Passive Item of particular type public bool Remove(Passive_Data data, bool canRemoveUpgrade = false){ //Remove this weapon from the upgrading pool if(canRemoveUpgrade) available_Passives.Remove(data); for(int i = 0; i < available_Passives.Count; i++){ Passive p = passive_Slots[i].item as Passive; if( == data){ passive_Slots[i].Clear(); p.UnEquip(); Destroy(p.gameObject); return true; } } return false; } public bool Remove(Item_Data data, bool canRemoveUpgrade = false){ if(data is Passive_Data) return Remove(data as Passive_Data, canRemoveUpgrade); else if(data is Weapon_Data) return Remove(data as Weapon_Data, canRemoveUpgrade); return false; } //Find an empty slot, add the weapon of the certain type and return the slot index public int Add(Weapon_Data data){ int slotNum = -1; //= = the first so -1 is outside //Search an empty slot for(int i = 0; i < weapon_Slots.Capacity; i++){ if(weapon_Slots[i].isEmpty()){ slotNum = i; break; } } //No Empty Slot exist if(slotNum < 0) return slotNum; //Create the weapon in the slot Type weaponType = Type.GetType(data.behaviour); if(weaponType != null){ //Spawn the Weapon on the scene GameObject go = new GameObject( + "Weapon Controller"); Weapon weaponSpawn = (Weapon)go.AddComponent(weaponType); weaponSpawn.transform.SetParent(transform); weaponSpawn.transform.localPosition =; weaponSpawn.Initialize(data); weaponSpawn.OnEquip(); //Assign it on the slot weapon_Slots[slotNum].Assign(weaponSpawn); //Close the LevelUP UI if(GameManager.instance != null && GameManager.instance.isLevelUP) GameManager.instance.EndLevelUp(); return slotNum; } else Debug.LogWarning($"Invalid Weapon type for {}"); return -1; } //Find an empty slot, add the passive item of the certain type and return the slot index public int Add(Passive_Data data){ int slotNum = -1; //= = the first so -1 is outside //Search an empty slot for(int i = 0; i < passive_Slots.Capacity; i++){ if(passive_Slots[i].isEmpty()){ slotNum = i; break; } } //No Empty Slot exist if(slotNum < 0) return slotNum; //Spawn the Weapon on the scene GameObject go = new GameObject( + "Passive Controller"); Passive p = go.AddComponent<Passive>(); p.Initialize(data); p.transform.SetParent(transform); p.transform.localPosition =; //Assign it on the slot passive_Slots[slotNum].Assign(p); //Close the LevelUP UI if(GameManager.instance != null && GameManager.instance.isLevelUP) GameManager.instance.EndLevelUp(); player.RecalulateStats(); return slotNum; } //Determine the type if we don't know public int Add(Item_Data data){ if(data is Weapon_Data) return Add(data as Weapon_Data); else if(data is Passive_Data) return Add(data as Passive_Data); return -1; } //Check for empty slot (if empty, we can add one item) int GetSlotsLeft(List<Slot> slots){ int count = 0; foreach(Slot s in slots){ if(s.isEmpty()) count++; } return count; } //Levelup an item public bool LevelUP(Item item){ if(!item.DoLevelUp()){ Debug.LogWarning($"Failed to levelup {}"); return false; } if(GameManager.instance != null && GameManager.instance.isLevelUP){ GameManager.instance.EndLevelUp(); } if(item is Passive) player.RecalulateStats(); return true; } public bool LevelUP(Item_Data data){ Item item = Get(data); if(item) return LevelUP(item); return false; } //Determine the upgrade options to appear void ApplyUpgradeOptions(){ //Available Upgrades in an empty list used for filtering List<Item_Data> available_Upgrades = new List<Item_Data>(); //All the Upgrades List<Item_Data> all_Upgrades = new List<Item_Data>(available_Upgrades); all_Upgrades.AddRange(available_Upgrades); //Set how many slot upgrades left (default 6) int weapon_Slots_Left = GetSlotsLeft(weapon_Slots); int passive_Slots_Left = GetSlotsLeft(passive_Slots); //Loop inside the availables weapons and passive and find the possible updates foreach(Item_Data data in all_Upgrades){ // 1 - Check if we already have a weapon/passive and if it is, check if our level is not the maximum Item obj = Get(data); if(obj) if(obj.level < data.maxLevel) available_Upgrades.Add(data); // 2 - We don't found this weapon/passive in our slot so check if we have enough space to add it else{ if(data is Weapon_Data && weapon_Slots_Left > 0) available_Upgrades.Add(data); else if(data is Passive_Data && passive_Slots_Left > 0) available_Upgrades.Add(data); } } //Display the UI Windows Uograde int dispo_Upgrades_Count = available_Upgrades.Count; if(dispo_Upgrades_Count > 0){ Debug.Log("dispo upgrades"); bool getExtraItem = 1f - 1f / player.Stats.luck > UnityEngine.Random.value; if(getExtraItem || dispo_Upgrades_Count < upgradeWindow.maxOptions) upgradeWindow.SetUpgrades(this, available_Upgrades, upgradeWindow.maxOptions); else upgradeWindow.SetUpgrades(this, available_Upgrades, (upgradeWindow.maxOptions - 1), $"Increase your LUCK to get {upgradeWindow.maxOptions} Items !"); } else if(GameManager.instance != null && GameManager.instance.isLevelUP) GameManager.instance.EndLevelUp(); } public void RemoveAndApplyUpgrades(){ ApplyUpgradeOptions(); } } } </code>
Game Manager :
<code> using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.InputSystem; using TMPro; using PLAYER; public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour { public static GameManager instance; //Define the state of the game public enum Game_State : byte{ Gameplay, Paused, GameOver, LevelUp } //Store the current state of the game [Tooltip("Track and apply the current state of the game")] public Game_State state; //Store the previous state [Tooltip("Track the previous state of the game so we can go back if we change the state")] public Game_State state_Previous; [Header("Damage Text Settings")] [Tooltip("Set a special canvas to show the damage effect on it")] public Canvas damageTextCanvas; [Tooltip("Set the font size of the damage text")] public float textTypoSize = 20; [Tooltip("Add a special font asset for the damage effect")] public TMP_FontAsset textTypo; [Tooltip("Set the camera of the game so we can track correctly the enemy and show the canvas")] public Camera mainCamera; [Header("Screens")] public GameObject pause_Screen, highsore_Screen, levelUp_Screen; int stackedLevels = 0; [Header("Display Stats")] //Pannel where all the stats are showing, the player can see them public TMP_Text hp_Display; public TMP_Text recovery_Display; public TMP_Text moveSpeed_Display; public TMP_Text might_Display; public TMP_Text projectileSpeed_Display; public TMP_Text magnetForce_Display; [Header("Results Display")] //A pannel resuming the final stats of the player after he died public Image characterImage; public TMP_Text characterName; public TMP_Text levelReached; public TMP_Text timeSurviveDisplay; [Header("StopWatched")] [Tooltip("Limit the maxium time limit of all the game.")] public float timeLimit; //Limite of the time in seconds float stopTime; //Current time elapsed since the time started [Tooltip("Set the timer to display")] public TMP_Text timerDisplay; //Get the player public GameObject playerObj; [Tooltip("If the game state is Game Over, return the Pause Screen")] public bool isGameOver {get {return state == Game_State.Paused; }} [Tooltip("If the game state is Level UP, return the LevelUP Screen")] public bool isLevelUP {get {return state == Game_State.LevelUp; }} public float GetElapsedTime(){return stopTime; } void Awake(){ //Set only one instance of game manager or destroy the extras if(instance == null) instance = this; else Destroy(gameObject); DisableScreens(); } void Update(){ //Define the logic for each states switch(state){ case Game_State.Gameplay: CheckForPauseAndResume(); UpdateStopWatch(); break; case Game_State.Paused: CheckForPauseAndResume(); break; case Game_State.GameOver: case Game_State.LevelUp: break; default: Debug.Log("State not defined"); break; } } public void ChangeState(Game_State newState){ state_Previous = state; //Save the previous state to back easly state = newState; //Set the new state as the current state } public void PauseGame(){ if(state != Game_State.Paused){ ChangeState(Game_State.Paused); Time.timeScale = 0; //Stop the complete game time pause_Screen.SetActive(true); } } public void ResumeGame(){ if(state == Game_State.Paused){ ChangeState(state_Previous); Time.timeScale = 1; //Reset the complete game pause_Screen.SetActive(false); } } void CheckForPauseAndResume(){ if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)){ if(state == Game_State.Paused) ResumeGame(); else PauseGame(); } } void DisableScreens(){ pause_Screen.SetActive(false); highsore_Screen.SetActive(false); levelUp_Screen.SetActive(false); } public void GameOver(){ timeSurviveDisplay.text = timerDisplay.text; ChangeState(Game_State.GameOver); Time.timeScale = 0f; DisplayResults(); } void DisplayResults(){ highsore_Screen.SetActive(true); } public void AssignCharacterUI(Character_Data characterData){ characterImage.sprite = characterData.icon; characterName.text =; } public void StartLevelUp(){ ChangeState(Game_State.LevelUp); if(levelUp_Screen.activeSelf) stackedLevels++; else{ Time.timeScale = 0f; levelUp_Screen.SetActive(true); playerObj.SendMessage("RemoveAndApplyUpgrades"); } } public void EndLevelUp(){ Time.timeScale = 1f; levelUp_Screen.SetActive(false); ChangeState(Game_State.Gameplay); if(stackedLevels > 0){ stackedLevels--; StartLevelUp(); } } public void AssignLevelUP(int levelData){ levelReached.text = levelData.ToString(); } public void UpdateStopWatch(){ stopTime += Time.deltaTime; UpdateStopWatchDisplay(); if(stopTime >= timeLimit){ playerObj.SendMessage("Kill"); } } void UpdateStopWatchDisplay(){ int minutes = Mathf.FloorToInt(stopTime/60); int seconds = Mathf.FloorToInt(stopTime % 60); timerDisplay.text = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", minutes, seconds); } //note for me : not working too IEnumerator GenerateFloatingText(string text, Transform target, float duration = 1f, float speed = 50f){ //Start generating the floating text GameObject textObj = new GameObject("Damage Floating"); RectTransform rect = textObj.AddComponent<RectTransform>(); TextMeshProUGUI tmpro = textObj.AddComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); tmpro.text = text; tmpro.horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentOptions.Center; tmpro.verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentOptions.Middle; tmpro.fontSize = textTypoSize; if(textTypo) tmpro.font = textTypo; rect.position = mainCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(target.position); //Destroy after the duration time Destroy(textObj, duration); //Parent to the canvas textObj.transform.SetParent(instance.damageTextCanvas.transform); textObj.transform.SetSiblingIndex(0); //Move and fade out the text WaitForEndOfFrame w = new WaitForEndOfFrame(); float t = 0; float yOffset = 0; Vector3 lastPos = target.position; while(t < duration){ //Break the loop if we don't have the rect transform if(!rect) break; //Fade out the text tmpro.color = new Color(tmpro.color.r, tmpro.color.g, tmpro.color.b, 1- t / duration); if(target) lastPos = target.position; //Move the text yOffset += speed * Time.deltaTime; rect.position = mainCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(lastPos + new Vector3(0, yOffset)); //Wait a frame and update yield return w; t += Time.deltaTime; } } public static void FloatingText(string text, Transform target, float duration = 1f, float speed = 50f){ //Prevent any error to oblige the canvas to be set, if not, do nothing if(!instance.damageTextCanvas) return; //If we have a canvas but the camera is not correctly set, set the main camera by default if(!instance.mainCamera) instance.mainCamera = Camera.main; //Start the effect instance.StartCoroutine(instance.GenerateFloatingText(text, target, duration, speed)); } } </code>
UI Upgrade Windows :
<code> using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using PLAYER; using TMPro; [RequireComponent(typeof(VerticalLayoutGroup))] public class UI_UpgradeWindow : MonoBehaviour { //Access to the padding / spacing on the layout VerticalLayoutGroup verticalLayout; //Main Upgrade pannel template public RectTransform upgrade_Option_Template; public TextMeshProUGUI tooltip_Template; [Header("Settings")] //Set the maximum number of options to display on screen public int maxOptions = 4; //The text to show when a new upgrade is availible public string newText = "New"; //Color of the new text public Color newText_Color =; //Color of the level text public Color levelText_Color =; [Header("Paths Elements")] //Set all the name inside the inspector public string iconPath = "Icon Holder/Icon", namePath = "Info Holder/Name", descriptionPath = "Info Holder/Description", buttonPath = "Button", levelPath = "Icon Holder/Level"; //Private variables to track the comportement //Rect Transform of the element RectTransform rectTransform; //Default heign of the upgdrade ui float option_Height; //Track the number of options currently active on the pannel (new, level, etc) int activeOptions; //List of all the upgrades options (buttons) List<RectTransform> upgradeOptions = new List<RectTransform>(); //Track the screen size each frame to be able to modify the size Vector2 lastScreen; public void SetUpgrades(Player_Inventory inventory, List<Item_Data> possible_Upgrades, int pick = 3, string tooltip = ""){ //Define the number to show on screen pick = Mathf.Min(maxOptions, pick); //Create an upgrade if we don't have enough (the max options set is more than the real number of options ) if(maxOptions > upgradeOptions.Count){ for(int i = upgradeOptions.Count; i < pick; i++){ GameObject go = Instantiate(upgrade_Option_Template.gameObject, transform); upgradeOptions.Add((RectTransform)go.transform); } } //Tooltip is provided, active the tooltip tooltip_Template.text = tooltip; tooltip_Template.gameObject.SetActive(tooltip.Trim() != ""); //Verify if it's not empty //Activate only the number of upgrades options we need. activeOptions = 0; int totalOptions = possible_Upgrades.Count; foreach(RectTransform r in upgradeOptions){ if(activeOptions < pick && activeOptions < totalOptions){ //Show the upgrade r.gameObject.SetActive(true); //Select randomly one upgrade possible and remove it from the list of availables (prevent duplicatas) Item_Data upgrade_Selected = possible_Upgrades[Random.Range(0, possible_Upgrades.Count)]; possible_Upgrades.Remove(upgrade_Selected); Item item = inventory.Get(upgrade_Selected); // ----------------------------- NAME ------------------------------------ // //Select the name text in the UI TextMeshProUGUI name = r.Find(namePath).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); //Apply the name of the selected upgrade on the UI if(name) name.text =; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // ----------------------------- LEVEL ------------------------------------ // //Add the level or the "New" text if it's a new item //Select the name text in the UI TextMeshProUGUI level = r.Find(levelPath).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); //Level found if(level){ //The Player has this item so we update the level to match if(item){ //The item is on his max level if(item.level >= item.maxLevel){ level.text = "Maximum !"; level.color = newText_Color; } //Update the level (adding +1 lvl provide the next level of the item) else{ level.text = upgrade_Selected.GetLevelData(item.level + 1).name; level.color = levelText_Color; } } //The Player don't have this item, add the NEW text else{ level.text = newText; level.color = newText_Color; } }//level // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // --------------------------- DESCRIPTION ------------------------------- // //Select the description text in the UI TextMeshProUGUI description = r.Find(descriptionPath).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); //Description found if(description){ //The Player has this item so we levelup it to promote the next level of this item if(item) description.text = upgrade_Selected.GetLevelData(item.level + 1).description; //The Player don't have this item so we display the level 1 else description.text = upgrade_Selected.GetLevelData(1).description; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------ ICON --------------------------------- // //Select the icon image in the UI Image icon = r.Find(iconPath).GetComponent<Image>(); //Icon founnd if(icon) icon.sprite = upgrade_Selected.icon; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // //Get the button Button btn = r.Find(buttonPath).GetComponent<Button>(); //Button found if(btn){ //Clear btn.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); //Player has this item so levelup the current item on the inventory if(item) btn.onClick.AddListener(() => inventory.LevelUP(item)); //Player don't have this item, add it to the inventory else btn.onClick.AddListener(() => inventory.Add(upgrade_Selected)); } activeOptions++; }//if activeOptions //Don't find any options, disable the pannel else r.gameObject.SetActive(false); }//foreach loop //Sizes all the elemtnto fit correctly RecalulateLayout(); } //Called when the size of the windows change. void RecalulateLayout(){ // Calculate the total available height for all options, // then divides it by the number of options to perfectly fit // all the upgrades inside the layout. option_Height = (rectTransform.rect.height - - verticalLayout.padding.bottom - (maxOptions - 1) * verticalLayout.spacing); // Maximum options display if(activeOptions == maxOptions && tooltip_Template.gameObject.activeSelf) option_Height /= maxOptions + 1; //Les than maximum else option_Height /= maxOptions; //Recalculates the height of the tooltip if it's currently active if(tooltip_Template.gameObject.activeSelf){ RectTransform tooltipRect = (RectTransform)tooltip_Template.transform; tooltip_Template.gameObject.SetActive(true); tooltipRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(tooltipRect.sizeDelta.x, option_Height); tooltip_Template.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); } //Set the height of every active Upgrades Option foreach(RectTransform r in upgradeOptions){ if(!r.gameObject.activeSelf) continue; r.sizeDelta = new Vector2(r.sizeDelta.x, option_Height); } } //Track and apply modifications every frames void Update(){ if(lastScreen.x != Screen.width || lastScreen.y != Screen.height){ RecalulateLayout(); lastScreen = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height); } } void Awake(){ verticalLayout = GetComponentInChildren<VerticalLayoutGroup>(); if(tooltip_Template) tooltip_Template.gameObject.SetActive(false); if(upgrade_Option_Template) upgradeOptions.Add(upgrade_Option_Template); rectTransform = (RectTransform)transform; } void Reset(){ //Automaticaly find a game object named "Upgrade Options" and set it as the upgrade_Option_Template upgrade_Option_Template = (RectTransform)transform.Find("Upgrade Option"); //Automaticaly find a game object named "Tooltip" and set it as the tooltip_Template tooltip_Template = transform.Find("Tooltip").GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>(); } } </code>
My SetUpgrades is not calling from my ApplyUpgradeOptions that is not calling from my RemoveAndApplyUpgrades that is not calling from the Game Manager but the levelUp of my player data is calling and my LevelUp from my Game Manager as well.
Thank you for your help
September 22, 2024 at 4:54 pm #15881::Sorry for missing your message Boby. You posted it in the wrong forum and I missed it.
Can you add the following into the
? Then let me know if the “Level up screen activated” message prints when you level up.public void StartLevelUp(){ ChangeState(Game_State.LevelUp); if(levelUp_Screen.activeSelf) stackedLevels++; else{ Time.timeScale = 0f; print("Level up screen activated"); levelUp_Screen.SetActive(true); playerObj.SendMessage("RemoveAndApplyUpgrades"); } }
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