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[General] Version 2021.3.0f1 error

Home Forums Video Game Tutorial Series Creating a Metroidvania in Unity [General] Version 2021.3.0f1 error

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  • #12817
    Logan Nunez

    This code appeared as soon as I started a new game for this tutorial, and I think it is because I am using version 2021.3.0f1 because I have a separate game on a more recent version that works fine. But I would prefer to use the older version because it is the one used in the tutorial for the Metroidvania game. Is there any way to fix this and keep this version of Unity?

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    Hi Logan,

    From the Editor, try going to Window > Package Manager and updating the “Visual Studio” package. Then close and reopen your project. Let me know if that works for you.

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    If that fails, can you go to Edit > Preferences and take a screenshot of your External Tools tab?

    Logan Nunez

    Nothing happened. Here is what my External Tools tab look like:

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    Did you try clicking on the Regenerate Project Files button on the External Tool window?

    Alternatively, another option is to delete your Library and Packages folder (back up your Packages folder before you delete it though), then reopening the project.

    Logan Nunez

    Deleting my library and packages folder helped a lot but the first error is still there.

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    I found a potential solution here:

    One of the people there posted this:

    Actually there is a Work Around

    open Edit => Preferences => External Tools

    External Script Editor => Choose Browse

    if u are using Visual Studio 2019 (Like Me)

    just Choose this File : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe

    Check on ‘Generate all .csproj files’

    Can you give it a try?

    Logan Nunez

    Sorry if I’m doing something wrong but I don’t see devenv.exe. I’m new so I’m not familiar with how these files work. Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?

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    Hi Logan, no worries.

    You can try searching for devenv.exe on your search toolbar (top right corner) on the File Explorer as well.

    If you can’t find it, then you might want to consider uninstalling and reinstalling both Visual Studio and the Unity Editor, as the install files may be corrupt.

    Logan Nunez

    I tried both methods, however the error is still there. Is there anything else I need to do?

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    Hey Logan, can you look at your Package Manager and make sure that the other Visual Studio packages are updated or downgraded to the appropriate version?

    Logan Nunez

    I updated everything and it’s still there. Should I just upgrade to the current version of unity and try to do the tutorial with it?

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    Logan, there is a chance that your Visual Studio Editor package version is over the version that your Unity Editor supports. I had a project that, when I downgraded it to a lower Unity version, gave me errors because one of my packages’ version was too high.

    You can expand the Visual Studio Editor dropdown and see if there are older version that you can download. If that doesn’t work, you can try removing and reinstalling the package.

    If all this doesn’t work, then you’ll have to upgrade your project.

    Logan Nunez

    Thank you, Terence for helping me. I tried everything and it’s still there so I will upgrade to my current version. I have one last question; will I be able to still follow most of the steps for the Metroid Vania game and be able to make it like the video or will I have to figure out most of the code separately?

    The version I am using is 2021.3.13f1.


    Hey Logan, no problem

    Yes, you will still be able to follow the steps for the tutorial. It will mostly be the same, so you shouldn’t run into many problems. You can post any issues you run into with the newer version in the forums and I’ll be here to help.

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