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[Part 2] colliders not colliding

Home Forums Video Game Tutorial Series Creating a Rogue-like Shoot-em Up in Unity [Part 2] colliders not colliding

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  • #15066
    Panda Angy

    so i have both the chunk and the player as trigger so the player does not get booted from the chunk but now all the props with box colliders do not collide with the character how do I fix this. i have tried to make sure they are all on the same layer, have all triggers off just boots my character still and many other things no to avail so now I am looking for help.


    Panda, check and make sure that you have a Rigidbody2D attached to either the props or the character (I recommend adding it to the character). For 2 colliders to be able to collide, you need to have a Rigidbody2D attached to either one of the GameObjects.

    Panda Angy

    yeah i have the rigidbody2d on the my player character I tried it with my enemy character and npc as well but nothing I don’t know if its a layering problem or if I should try to hard code instead. also another question does it matter if I use a capsule collider2d instead of a box or circle collider?


    Try replacing your CapsuleCollider2D with some other collider and see if it works. I’m not very familiar with the CapsuleCollider2D as it was recently added, but it seems to have some special properties that require more specific configuration.

    If that still doesn’t work, I’ll have to trouble you to take a screenshot of the Inspector of the GameObject(s) that are not registering collisions.

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