I have 2 different characters that look different but your character selector only implements the scriptable object. How can I make the characters also look different with animations etc not just the stats?
I’m not very clear about the inner workings of the Vampire Survivors series’ codebase, but generally speaking, if you want different animations for another character, you will have to create a different Animator Controller for the other character and prefab it.
It sounds to me that you want the sprite and animator controller to be different depending on which character is selected. This is a relatively straightforward process.
First, you have to add a sprite and animator controller fields to the CharacterScriptableObject
Then, when assigning the data in the PlayerStats, simply change the sprite and animator controller to that of the characterData‘s
Hi Xavier Lee
im currently having a problem with the second step of assigning the data to the PlayerStats script, could you send me a picture of the code?
Hi Xavier Lee
I have the same question. I make the prefabs of characters with different sprite and animation. Then i add the GameObject field of characters’ prefab to the characterScriptableObject. But it doesn’t work.