::Managed to fix your problem. The Fader is coming from your UIManager’s entrance animation. I modified your UIManager’s Awake function so that it calls base.Awake()
only if it is not destroyed. Otherwise, if you have duplicate UIManagers on the Scene, they will trigger the entrance fade and get destroyed before they are able to clean up the fade animation.
public class UIManager : UIScreen
public static UIManager Instance; //¨¾¤î¦hÓ«½Æªºª±®a¸}¥»¥X²{
[Header("UI Manager")]
public GameObject mapHandler; //¦a¹Ï
public GameObject inventory; //I¥]
public UIScreen deathScreen;
protected override void Awake()
if (Instance != null && Instance != this)
Instance = this; //new
One more thing as well: You don’t need an entrance animation for your UIScreen, because the SceneTransition script already handles the fade in / fade out.