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[Part 8] Damage multiplier for might is working weird.

Home Forums Video Game Tutorial Series Creating a Rogue-like Shoot-em Up in Unity [Part 8] Damage multiplier for might is working weird.

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  • #13415

    To have the weapons do 10 damage instead of five I need to set the multiplier of the passive item scriptable object to 900. Might is set to 1 and damage is set to 5. When I start the game the might goes up to 10 and I do 10 damages. Its not multiplying the damage value of the weapons somehow but taking the might value and applying that for damages. Your help is greatly appreciated.


    Renaud, can you share a screenshot of the components set to the values you mentioned? As well as your PlayerStats and all affected WeaponBehaviour scripts.


    Here it is

    Spinach passive item
    Knife scriptable object
    character scriptable object

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class PlayerStats : MonoBehaviour
         CharacterScriptableObject characterData;
        //current data
        public float currentHealth;
        public float currentRecovery;
        public float currentMovementSpeed;
        public float currentMight;
        public float currentProjectileSpeed;
        public float currentMagnet;
        //Spawned Weapon
        public List<GameObject> spawnedWeapons;
        //Experience and level of the player
        public int experience = 0;
        public int level = 1;
        public int experienceCap;
        //Class for defining a level range and the corresponding experience cap increase for that range
        public class LevelRange
            public int startLevel;
            public int endLevel;
            public int experienceCapIncrease;
        public float invincibilityDuration;
        float invincibilityTimer;
        bool isInvincible;
        public List<LevelRange> levelRanges;
        void Awake()
            characterData = CharacterSelector.GetData();
            //assign the variables
            currentHealth = characterData.MaxHealth;
            currentRecovery = characterData.Recovery;
            currentMovementSpeed = characterData.MovementBaseSpeed;
            currentMight = characterData.Might;
            currentProjectileSpeed = characterData.ProjectileSpeed;
            currentMagnet = characterData.Magnet;
            //Spawn the starting weapon
        private void Start()
            //initializes the experience cap as the first experience cap increase
            experienceCap = levelRanges[0].experienceCapIncrease;
        private void Update()
            if(invincibilityTimer > 0)
                invincibilityTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
            // if the invincibilty timer has reached 0, set the invincibilty flag to false
            else if (isInvincible)
                isInvincible = false;
        public void IncreaseExperience(int amount)
            experience += amount;
        void LevelUpChecker()
            if(experience >= experienceCap)
                experience -= experienceCap;
                int experienceCapIncrease = 0;
                foreach (LevelRange range in levelRanges)
                    if(level >= range.startLevel && level <= range.endLevel)
                        experienceCapIncrease = range.experienceCapIncrease;
                experienceCap += experienceCapIncrease;
        public void TakeDamage(float dmg)
            //If the player is not currently invincible, reduce health and start invincibility
            if (!isInvincible)
                currentHealth -= dmg;
                invincibilityTimer = invincibilityDuration;
                isInvincible = true;
                if (currentHealth <= 0)
        public void Kill()
            Debug.Log("Player is Dead");
        public void RestoreHealth(float amount)
            //Only heal the player if their current health is less than their maximum health
            if(currentHealth < characterData.MaxHealth)
                currentHealth += amount;
                //make sure the player's health doesn't exceed their max health
                if(currentHealth > characterData.MaxHealth)
                    currentHealth = characterData.MaxHealth;
        void Recover()
            if (currentHealth < characterData.MaxHealth)
                currentHealth += currentRecovery * Time.deltaTime;
                //Make sure the player's health doesnt exceed their maximum health
                if(currentHealth > characterData.MaxHealth)
                    currentHealth = characterData.MaxHealth;
        public void SpawnedWeapon(GameObject weapon)
            //Spawn the starting weapon
            GameObject spawnedWeapon = Instantiate(weapon, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            spawnedWeapon.transform.SetParent(transform); //set the weapon to be a child of the player
            spawnedWeapons.Add(spawnedWeapon); //add it to the list of spawned weapons
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    /// <summary>
    /// Base script of all projectile behaviors [to be placed on a prefab of a weapon that is a projectile
    /// </summary>
    public class ProjectileWeaponBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
        public WeaponScriptableObject weaponData;
        protected Vector3 direction;
        public float destroyAfterSeconds;
        //Current stats
        protected float currentDamage;
        protected float currentSpeed;
        protected float currentCooldownDuration;
        protected int currentPierce;
        void Awake()
            currentDamage = weaponData.Damage;
            currentSpeed = weaponData.Base_speed;
            currentCooldownDuration = weaponData.CooldownDuration;
            currentPierce = weaponData.Pierce;
        public float GetCurrentDamage()
            return currentDamage = FindObjectOfType<PlayerStats>().currentMight;
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        protected virtual void Start()
            Destroy(gameObject, destroyAfterSeconds);
        public void DirectionChecker(Vector3 dir) 
            direction = dir;
            float dirx = direction.x;
            float diry = direction.y;
            Vector3 scale = transform.localScale;
            Vector3 rotation = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
            if (dirx < 0 && diry == 0) //left
                scale.x = scale.x * -1;
                scale.y = scale.y * -1;
            else if (dirx == 0 && diry < 0) //down
                scale.y = scale.y * -1;
            else if (dirx == 0 && diry > 0) //up
                scale.x = scale.x * -1;
            else if (dirx > 0 && diry > 0) //right up
                rotation.z = 0f;
            else if (dirx > 0 && diry < 0) //right down
                rotation.z = -90f;
            else if (dirx < 0 && diry > 0) //left up
                scale.x = scale.x * -1;
                scale.y = scale.y * -1;
                rotation.z = -90f;
            else if (dirx < 0 && diry < 0) //left down
                scale.x = scale.x * -1;
                scale.y = scale.y * -1;
                rotation.z = 0f;
            transform.localScale = scale;
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation);    //Can't simply set the vector because cannot convert
        protected virtual void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
            //Reference the script from the collided collider and deal damage using TakeDamage()
            if (col.CompareTag("Enemy"))
                EnemyStats enemy = col.GetComponent<EnemyStats>();
                enemy.TakeDamage(GetCurrentDamage());     //Make sure to use currentDamage instead of weaponData.Damage in case any damage multipliers in the future
            else if (col.CompareTag("Prop"))
                if (col.gameObject.TryGetComponent(out BreakableProps breakable))
                if (col.gameObject.TryGetComponent(out BreakableProps2 breakable2))
        void ReducePierce() //Destroy once the pierce reaches 0
            if (currentPierce <= 0)
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    /// <summary>
    /// Base script of all melee behaviours [To be placed on a prefab of a weapon that is melee]
    /// </summary>
    public class MeleeWeaponBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
        public WeaponScriptableObject weaponData;
        public float destroyAfterSeconds;
        //Current stats
        protected float currentDamage;
        protected float currentSpeed;
        protected float currentCooldownDuration;
        protected int currentPierce;
        void Awake()
            currentDamage = weaponData.Damage;
            currentSpeed = weaponData.Base_speed;
            currentCooldownDuration = weaponData.CooldownDuration;
            currentPierce = weaponData.Pierce;
        public float GetCurrentDamage()
            return currentDamage = FindObjectOfType<PlayerStats>().currentMight;
        protected virtual void Start()
            Destroy(gameObject, destroyAfterSeconds);
        protected virtual void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
            if (col.CompareTag("Enemy"))
                EnemyStats enemy = col.GetComponent<EnemyStats>();
            else if (col.CompareTag("Prop"))
                if (col.gameObject.TryGetComponent(out BreakableProps breakable))
                if (col.gameObject.TryGetComponent(out BreakableProps2 breakable2))

    You are missing the * in your code for both your GetCurrentDamage() functions in both weapons:

    public float GetCurrentDamage()
        return currentDamage *= FindObjectOfType().currentMight;

    Without the * you are setting the currentDamage variable directly.


    Thank you very much, everything is working as it should now!

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