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[Part 6] Trying to spawn the player in a randomly generated map
Home › Forums › Video Game Tutorial Series › Creating a Rogue-like Shoot-em Up in Unity › [Part 6] Trying to spawn the player in a randomly generated map
- This topic has 27 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 months ago by
September 19, 2024 at 12:37 pm #15856::
Can you print the current wave count in
and show me what you get in the Console?void SpawnEnemies() { print("current wave count: " + currentWaveCount); // Check if the minimum number of enemies in the wave have been spawned if (waves[currentWaveCount].spawnCount < waves[currentWaveCount].waveQuota && !maxEnemiesReached) { // Spawn each type of enemy until the quota is filled foreach (var enemyGroup in waves[currentWaveCount].enemyGroups) { // Check if the minimum number of this type have been spawned if (enemyGroup.spawnCount < enemyGroup.enemyCount) { // Limit the number of enemies that can be spawned at once if (enemiesAlive >= maxEnemiesAllowed) { maxEnemiesReached = true; return; } // Get a random position from the spawnPositions list for spawning the enemy Vector3 randomSpawnPoint = spawnPositions[Random.Range(0, spawnPositions.Count)]; Instantiate(enemyGroup.enemyPrefab, randomSpawnPoint, Quaternion.identity); enemyGroup.spawnCount++; waves[currentWaveCount].spawnCount++; enemiesAlive++; } } } if (enemiesAlive < maxEnemiesAllowed) { maxEnemiesReached = false; } }
September 19, 2024 at 3:49 pm #15858::doesn’t look like it even prints that,
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i also put in a screenshot of the wavespawner while the game is runningSeptember 20, 2024 at 12:27 am #15860::It seems like your error is caused by a
script. That isn’t a script in our series, but you can post it here and I’ll have a look.September 20, 2024 at 2:41 am #15861::yea that is from another youtuber, i worked on this game with another friend and he got that from another youtuber. its a long script, i’m sorry for that. thankyou for the help you’re a lifesaver
<code> using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Tilemaps; public class WalkerGenerator : MonoBehaviour { public enum TileType { Empty, Floor, Wall } public int mapWidth = 60; public int mapHeight = 60; public int roomCount = 10; public int minRoomSize = 5; public int maxRoomSize = 15; public Tilemap tileMap; public Tilemap coldiertile; public Tile floorTile; public Tile wallTile; public Tile topBotRight; public Tile topBotLeft; public Tile botLeftRight; public Tile topLeftRight; public Tile botWallTile; public Tile topWallTile; public Tile rightWallTile; public Tile leftWallTile; public Tile topBotTile; public Tile leftRightTile; public Tile rightBot; public Tile rightTop; public Tile leftBot; public Tile leftTop; public GameObject playerPrefab; public GameObject chestPrefab; public GameObject portalPrefab; public GameObject[] decorationPrefabs; public CameraMovement cameraMovement; public List<RectInt> rooms; private TileType[,] map; private bool portalSpawned = false; public EnemySpawner enemySpawner; void Start() { InitializeGrid(); } public void InitializeGrid() { map = new TileType[mapWidth, mapHeight]; rooms = new List<RectInt>(); CreateRooms(); CreateCorridors(); CreateWalls(); ClearExistingObjects(); StartCoroutine(SpawnObjectsCoroutine()); } private void CreateRooms() { for (int i = 0; i < roomCount; i++) { int width = Random.Range(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize); int height = Random.Range(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize); int x = Random.Range(1, mapWidth - width - 1); int y = Random.Range(1, mapHeight - height - 1); RectInt newRoom = new RectInt(x, y, width, height); bool roomIntersects = false; foreach (RectInt room in rooms) { if (newRoom.Overlaps(room)) { roomIntersects = true; break; } } if (!roomIntersects) { rooms.Add(newRoom); for (int j = x; j < x + width; j++) { for (int k = y; k < y + height; k++) { map[j, k] = TileType.Floor; } } } } } private void CreateCorridors() { for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Count - 1; i++) { Vector2Int pointA = new Vector2Int(rooms[i].x + rooms[i].width / 2, rooms[i].y + rooms[i].height / 2); Vector2Int pointB = new Vector2Int(rooms[i + 1].x + rooms[i + 1].width / 2, rooms[i + 1].height / 2); while (pointA != pointB) { if (pointA.x != pointB.x) { if (pointA.x < pointB.x) pointA.x++; else pointA.x--; } else if (pointA.y != pointB.y) { if (pointA.y < pointB.y) pointA.y++; else pointA.y--; } map[pointA.x, pointA.y] = TileType.Floor; } } } private void CreateWalls() { coldiertile.ClearAllTiles(); tileMap.ClearAllTiles(); for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight; y++) { if (map[x, y] == TileType.Floor) { for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) { for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) { int newX = x + dx; int newY = y + dy; if (newX >= 0 && newY >= 0 && newX < mapWidth && newY < mapHeight && map[newX, newY] == TileType.Empty) { map[newX, newY] = TileType.Wall; } } } } } } for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight; y++) { if (map[x, y] == TileType.Wall) { Tile tileToPlace = DetermineWallTile(x, y); coldiertile.SetTile(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0), tileToPlace); } else if (map[x, y] == TileType.Floor) { tileMap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0), floorTile); } } } } private Tile DetermineWallTile(int x, int y) { bool left = x > 0 && map[x - 1, y] == TileType.Floor; bool right = x < mapWidth - 1 && map[x + 1, y] == TileType.Floor; bool top = y < mapHeight - 1 && map[x, y + 1] == TileType.Floor; bool bottom = y > 0 && map[x, y - 1] == TileType.Floor; bool leftWall = x > 0 && map[x - 1, y] == TileType.Wall; bool rightWall = x < mapWidth - 1 && map[x + 1, y] == TileType.Wall; bool bottomWall = y > 0 && map[x, y - 1] == TileType.Wall; bool topWall = y < mapHeight - 1 && map[x, y + 1] == TileType.Wall; if (left && top && bottom) return topBotRight; if (left && top && right) return topBotLeft; if (bottom && left && right) return botLeftRight; if (top && left && right) return topLeftRight; if (right && bottom) return rightTop; if (right && top) return rightBot; if (left && bottom) return leftTop; if (left && top) return leftBot; if (right && left) return leftRightTile; if (top && bottom) return topBotTile; if (top) return botWallTile; if (bottom) return topWallTile; if (right) return rightWallTile; if (left) return leftWallTile; if (rightWall && bottomWall) return null; if (leftWall && bottomWall) return null; if (leftWall && topWall) return null; if (rightWall && topWall) return null; return wallTile; } private void ClearExistingObjects() { Debug.Log("Clearing existing objects..."); foreach (GameObject obj in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player")) { Destroy(obj); Debug.Log("Destroyed a player object."); } foreach (GameObject obj in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Chest")) { Destroy(obj); } foreach (GameObject obj in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Portal")) { Destroy(obj); } foreach (GameObject obj in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Decoration")) { Destroy(obj); } } public IEnumerator SpawnObjectsCoroutine() { Debug.Log("Starting SpawnObjectsCoroutine..."); ClearExistingObjects(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); yield return StartCoroutine(SpawnPortal()); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); yield return StartCoroutine(SpawnChests()); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); InitializeEnemySpawner(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); yield return StartCoroutine(SpawnDecorations()); } public void SpawnPlayer() { if (playerPrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("Player prefab is not assigned."); return; } print("SpawnPlayer() called"); List<Vector3Int> floorTiles = new List<Vector3Int>(); for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight; y++) { if (map[x, y] == TileType.Floor) { floorTiles.Add(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0)); } } } if (floorTiles.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("No floor tiles available for spawning objects."); return; } Vector3Int playerSpawnPos = floorTiles[Random.Range(0, floorTiles.Count)]; Debug.Log($"Player spawn position: {playerSpawnPos}"); // Instantiate the player prefab GameObject playerObj = Instantiate(playerPrefab, new Vector3(playerSpawnPos.x + 0.5f, playerSpawnPos.y + 0.5f, 0), Quaternion.identity); Debug.Log($"Player instance created at position: {playerObj.transform.position}"); // Attach camera to the new player instance if (cameraMovement != null) { = playerObj.transform; cameraMovement.SnapToTarget(); } else { Debug.LogError("CameraMovement script is not assigned in the WalkerGenerator."); } } private void InitializeEnemySpawner() { if (enemySpawner == null) { Debug.LogError("EnemySpawner is not assigned!"); return; } List<Vector3> floorPositions = new List<Vector3>(); for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; x < mapHeight; y++) { if (map[x, y] == TileType.Floor) { floorPositions.Add(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, 0)); } } } if (floorPositions.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("No floor tiles available for spawning enemies."); return; } enemySpawner.SetSpawnPoints(floorPositions); enemySpawner.InitializeSpawner(); } private IEnumerator SpawnPortal() { Debug.Log("Spawning portal..."); if (portalSpawned) { Debug.LogWarning("A portal already exists in the scene."); yield break; } List<Vector3Int> floorTiles = new List<Vector3Int>(); // Get all floor tiles within rooms foreach (RectInt room in rooms) { for (int x = room.x; x < room.x + room.width; x++) { for (int y = room.y; y < room.y + room.height; y++) { floorTiles.Add(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0)); } } } if (floorTiles.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("No suitable floor tiles available for spawning portal."); yield break; } Vector3Int portalSpawnPos = floorTiles[Random.Range(0, floorTiles.Count)]; Instantiate(portalPrefab, new Vector3(portalSpawnPos.x + 0.5f, portalSpawnPos.y + 0.5f, 0), Quaternion.identity); portalSpawned = true; Debug.Log($"Portal spawn position: {portalSpawnPos}"); } private IEnumerator SpawnChests() { Debug.Log("Spawning chests..."); List<Vector3Int> floorTiles = new List<Vector3Int>(); // Get all floor tiles within rooms foreach (RectInt room in rooms) { for (int x = room.x; x < room.x + room.width; x++) { for (int y = room.y; y < room.y + room.height; y++) { floorTiles.Add(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0)); } } } if (floorTiles.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("No suitable floor tiles available for spawning chests."); yield break; } // Adjust the range to 2-4 chests int chestCount = Random.Range(2, 5); List<Vector3Int> usedPositions = new List<Vector3Int>(); for (int i = 0; i < chestCount; i++) { Vector3Int chestSpawnPos; int attempts = 0; do { chestSpawnPos = floorTiles[Random.Range(0, floorTiles.Count)]; attempts++; } while (usedPositions.Exists(pos => Vector3Int.Distance(pos, chestSpawnPos) < 3) && attempts < 100); if (attempts < 100) { Instantiate(chestPrefab, new Vector3(chestSpawnPos.x + 0.5f, chestSpawnPos.y + 0.5f, 0), Quaternion.identity); usedPositions.Add(chestSpawnPos); Debug.Log($"Chest spawn position: {chestSpawnPos}"); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Could not find a suitable position for a chest after 100 attempts."); } } } private IEnumerator SpawnDecorations() { Debug.Log("Spawning decorations..."); List<Vector3Int> floorTiles = new List<Vector3Int>(); for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight; y++) { if (map[x, y] == TileType.Floor) { floorTiles.Add(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0)); } } } if (floorTiles.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("No floor tiles available for spawning objects."); yield break; } int decorationCount = Random.Range(5, 16); for (int i = 0; i < decorationCount; i++) { Vector3Int decorationSpawnPos = floorTiles[Random.Range(0, floorTiles.Count)]; GameObject decorationPrefab = decorationPrefabs[Random.Range(0, decorationPrefabs.Length)]; Instantiate(decorationPrefab, new Vector3(decorationSpawnPos.x + 0.5f, decorationSpawnPos.y + 0.5f, 0), Quaternion.identity); Debug.Log($"Decoration spawn position: {decorationSpawnPos}"); } } }</code>
September 20, 2024 at 12:16 pm #15865::Can you show me which line of the
script has the issue? You can find it on the Console message.September 20, 2024 at 3:34 pm #15867::yes ofcourse,
private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode) { Debug.Log("OnSceneLoaded called for scene: " +; WalkerGenerator walkerGenerator = FindFirstObjectByType<WalkerGenerator>(); if (walkerGenerator != null) { walkerGenerator.SpawnPlayer(); Debug.Log("WalkerGenerator found and SpawnPlayer called."); } else { Debug.LogError("WalkerGenerator not found in the scene."); } EnemySpawner enemySpawner = FindFirstObjectByType<EnemySpawner>(); if (enemySpawner != null) { enemySpawner.InitializeSpawner(); } else { Debug.LogError("EnemySpawner not found in the scene."); } }
September 21, 2024 at 12:05 am #15868September 23, 2024 at 3:38 pm #15902::when i click on the highlighted error message it takes me too my sceneloader script instead of the walkergenerator script
all the other errors also take me to other scripts than walkergenerator
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September 23, 2024 at 4:46 pm #15903::The first error says to add a WalkerGenerator component to your Scene. Maybe you can try that first.
September 24, 2024 at 3:48 pm #15912September 24, 2024 at 4:01 pm #15913::You can try delaying
by a single frame and see if the WalkerGenerator can be found like this. The function may be running before your GameObjects are properly initialised:private IEnumerator OnSceneLoadedDelayed(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode) { Debug.Log("OnSceneLoaded called for scene: " +; WalkerGenerator walkerGenerator = FindFirstObjectByType<WalkerGenerator>(); if (walkerGenerator != null) { walkerGenerator.SpawnPlayer(); Debug.Log("WalkerGenerator found and SpawnPlayer called."); } else { Debug.LogError("WalkerGenerator not found in the scene."); } EnemySpawner enemySpawner = FindFirstObjectByType<EnemySpawner>(); if (enemySpawner != null) { enemySpawner.InitializeSpawner(); } else { Debug.LogError("EnemySpawner not found in the scene."); } } private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode) { StartCoroutine(OnSceneLoadedDelayed(scene, mode)); }
The reason why I’m focusing on fixing the
first is because it may be causing the other errors.September 24, 2024 at 5:20 pm #15915::the walkergenerator error is now gone. i still have a lot of errors though
i’ll also post a video of the layout of the scenes i have in the game so you can see when the errors appear
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September 25, 2024 at 9:43 pm #15923 -
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