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[Part 4] Cast and Heal problem

Home Forums Video Game Tutorial Series Creating a Metroidvania in Unity [Part 4] Cast and Heal problem

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  • #15931
    Joseph Tang

    Ah alright, after taking another look and your confirmation on holding the button.

    The reason you’re still firing the DarkBullet spell despite you not being supposed to by code. I’ve found that your castOrhealTimer isn’t actually changing in getInput(). due to the line being slightly incorrect.

    Just add a + in castOrhealTimer = Time.deltaTime

        void getInput()
            xAxis = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
            yAxis = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
            attk = Input.GetButtonDown("Attack");
            if (Input.GetButton("Cast/Heal"))
                castOrhealTimer += Time.deltaTime;
                castOrhealTimer = 0;

    Then do tell whether it works now.

    pepe cry

    Thank you for helping me. It work perfectly now. Very greatfully all of your help but I found another bug. If I’m dashing to the top of the enemy, my game is freezing and i cannot do anything. It looks like this
    how bug happend
    My character take dmg and then it freezing. It’s not the unity freeze because i still can stop the game or check the inspector. Here is the video how it happend. If this bug can fix in the up comming video so can you show me which part so i can fix it. Thanks you very much
    demo how the bug happend
    again sorry for take your time so much

    Joseph Tang

    This bug is addressed in Part 6 of the series at the first minute mark.

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