::Sharing code by @Seshua87 in YouTube on getting a smooth transitioning camera:
For anyone wanting a smooth transition for the camera here’s how I wrote mine. Not sure if he covers this later, as I haven’t made it that far into the series. :)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraMovement : MonoBehaviour
private Transform target;
private Vector3 offset;
private float cameraSmoothingAmount = 25.0f; //For the camera transition smoothing.
private Vector3 currentVelocity; //For the camera velocity reference.
private void Update()
//Set the targets position and offset to a variable
Vector3 targetPosition = target.position + offset;
//Smoothly transition the camera by using the SmoothDamp function. Be sure to add a Vector3 variable above for the referenced velocity.
//Also create a float for controlling the smoothing amount. I find 25 is good starting point.
transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, targetPosition, ref currentVelocity, cameraSmoothingAmount * Time.deltaTime);