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[Part 13] Time Stopping Bug with Harvestable Crops

Home Forums Video Game Tutorial Series Creating a Farming RPG in Unity [Part 13] Time Stopping Bug with Harvestable Crops

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  • #16816
    Jonathan Teo
    Level 18

    A viewer encountered the following problem: When cabbages reach harvestable state (on day 4, around 8am), the game clock stops advancing. Player movement, obstacles, and inventory still function normally. The error message indicates an “ArgumentOutOfRangeException” with array index being out of range, affecting multiple scripts including LandManager, CropBehavior, and TimeManager.

    The ArgumentOutOfRangeException typically occurs when trying to access an invalid array index. Suggested troubleshooting steps:

    1. Check LandManager component in the Unity Inspector for empty array elements
    2. Double-click the error in Unity’s Console to locate the specific problematic line in Visual Studio
    3. Focus debugging efforts on the LandManager.OnCropStateChange() method where the error likely originates

    The ArgumentOutOfRangeException typically occurs when trying to access an invalid array index. Suggested troubleshooting steps Check LandManager component in the Unity Inspector for empty array elements Double-click the error in Unity’s Console to locate the specific problematic line in Visual Studio Focus debugging efforts on the LandManager.OnCropStateChange() method where the error likely originates

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