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How to have the Inventory displayed as 1 section instead of 2

Home Forums Video Game Tutorial Series Creating a Farming RPG in Unity How to have the Inventory displayed as 1 section instead of 2

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  • #11525
    Jonathan Teo
    Level 18

    There is less distinction between tools and items in the newer Harvest Moon games, so we get a lot of questions on how to not divide the Inventory into 2 sections a lot. This is how you might do this:

    1. Remove the toolSlots and equippedToolSlots variables. In the InventoryToHand function under the InventoryManager class, set the variables to these:
    ItemSlotData handToEquip = equippedItemSlot;
    ItemSlotData[] inventoryToAlter = itemSlots;
    1. Remove the if statement that checks for any alternative since there’s only 1 section
    if(inventoryType == InventorySlot.InventoryType.Item)

    Do the same for the HandToInventoryfunction.

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