I’m unsure if anyone else is experiencing this, but my KingBibleProjectile script keeps getting an area of 0. If I hard code “startScale = new Vector3(area, area, 1);” to “startScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);” everything works perfectly, so all the issues seem to stem from area being 0.
I added “Debug.Log(area);” all throughout the Start function in the Projectile script it’s inheriting from and area is always successfully set to 1 all throughout the method, but immediately after “base.Start()” in the KingBibleProjectile’s Start function, “area” logs as 0.
I can’t find any other areas (no pun intended) where area would change. Is there something about inheritence I don’t know where I can’t access the parent variables as easily as I thought?
Even in the debug inspector, area is 0.
Kind Regards,