MI NI Bronze Supporter (Patron)
::Hi, long time no see. I have been following the live Metroidvania teaching series for a while, but because there are no English subtitles, I cannot use the translation. I am curious if there is a chance that the live content can be edited into the same teaching as before. Also, I would like to ask if there will be any more in the future. Will there be live broadcasts of other content, such as better Movements? I have tried to find tutorials on the Internet, but many are too complicated and I don’t know how to integrate them into my project.
In addition, I don’t know whether this question should be posted here. If necessary, I will post it in other forums. thank you very much for your answer
::Sir thank you for posting this question actually i cant tell if in near future subtitles will be provided… but i will raise this issue to terresqual myself u can join the friday stream on youtube he will surely answer u there! i am personal assistant of terresqual so u can count on me!!
::MI NI, yes, we will be turning them into videos. Chloe is working on the Part 11 video at the moment.
I know it’s been a long wait, but it’s almost done! Apologies, I’ve had a packed schedule!
MI NI Bronze Supporter (Patron)
::Yes, I’m looking forward to the new instructional videos, thank you very much